Saturday, Feb. 22nd, 2025
Check-in from 9:30-10:30AM
Racing starts at 11:00AM
$15 - Registration fee per sled is due at check-in
$10 - Registration fee per sled for Season Pass Holder
Snowbox Derby
Participant Rules:
- No more than 2 riders in a sled.
- Liability form required for each racer along with Derby pass to ride.
- You will compete at the level of the oldest rider in the Snowbox.
- Helmets are required for all riders. Helmets are available for rental on a first come-first serve basis from our rental shop for $10 each.
- Anyone visibly under the influence will not be allowed to compete.
- Participants may not wear ski boots.
Sled Rules:
- All sleds must be constructed from cardboard and duct tape. Themes are highly encouraged and sleds may be painted or adorned with decals and other paper products.
- No handheld poles or steering mechanisms allowed.
- Any race official who deems a box to be potentially unsafe or not constructed in accordance with the rules has the authority to disqualify team and box in question.
- A box must pass inspection to be eligible for prizes.
- You will have a chance to fix any violations and be re-inspected.
- Designs must be family friendly, no obscene writing, shapes or stickers allowed.
- Costumes and team spirit are encouraged and appreciated.
Race Rules:
- There are no practice runs.
- Each team is given two chances to race down the hill. We will time and record each run. The fastest timed run wins.
- The timer stops when all team members AND their sled cross the finish line.
- In the event of a tie or a too close to call situation, we will have a tie breaker race. The fastest run in the tie-breaker race will be the winner of the trophy.
- Un-sportsman like conduct is grounds for disqualification.
- All teams are responsible for removing all parts of their box after racing.